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Opus Dei updates outreach to young people with new website: ‘Youth’

By Nicolás de Cárdenas

ACI Prensa Staff, Jun 7, 2024 / 06:40 am

Opus Dei this week launched a new website, “Youth,” the goal of which is “to help young people live their faith in the 21st century through videos, articles, podcasts, and interviews on the topics that most challenge them,” the prelature said in a statement.

With both design and content tailored to the ages 18-26 demographic, the new project, launched in English and Spanish, incorporates what has been posted so far by Opus Dei on different social media (Instagram, Spotify, and YouTube) since January of this year.

The new website offers testimonies on social initiatives, podcasts with prayer resources, infographics on Catholic doctrine, and studies on friendship and family life from a Catholic perspective.

In addition, the website offers reflections, articles, and teachings from the founder of Opus Dei, St. Josémaría Escrivá de Balaguer.

The new website has four sections: “St. Raphael” (which explains the youth formation proposal of Opus Dei); “For Prayer” (resources in various formats to improve your personal relationship with God); “The World and I” (where testimonies are shared that can serve as inspiration in the daily life of a young Catholic); and “I Believe” (with simple explanations about doctrinal aspects of the Catholic Church).

The content shown on Youth is prepared by an international team of people associated with the Opus Dei Communication Offices, with the collaboration of volunteers from various countries.

This story was first published by ACI Prensa, CNA’s Spanish-language news partner. It has been translated and adapted by CNA.

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