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Meet the Former Priest Behind Soccer Stars Iñaki and Nico Williams’ Success

By EWTN Norway

As Europe eagerly anticipates the upcoming soccer championship in Berlin, where Spain will face off against England, one player is capturing the spotlight: Nico Williams. His extraordinary performance on the field is not the only thing that sets him apart; his journey to Spain and rise to stardom are deeply intertwined with a Catholic connection.

Nico Williams’ story began in Ghana, where he embarked on a perilous journey to Europe with his father and pregnant mother. Unbeknownst to them, they had fallen into the clutches of a human trafficking ring. Upon reaching Spain, the family was arrested, marking a bleak turn in their quest for a better life.

Enter Iñaki Mardones, a Catholic priest and Caritas volunteer, who heard about the family’s plight. Mardones took swift action, securing the parents’ release from jail and helping the family settle in Spain. This intervention proved to be a turning point in their lives, paving the way for Nico and his younger brother, Iñaki Williams, to rise as soccer stars.

In an exclusive interview, Iñaki Mardones recounts the moment he met the Williams family and the support he provided during their transition. He reflects on the strong bond that developed with the family and whether he has maintained close contact with them over the years. Looking back to 1994, Mardones shares his thoughts on whether he ever envisioned the two young boys becoming global soccer sensations.

The story of Nico and Iñaki Williams is a testament to the impact of compassion and support in transforming lives, highlighting how one individual’s actions can influence the trajectory of an entire family.

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