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A Priest's Middle-of-the-Night Crisis That Reveals The Powerful Existence of Guardian Angels

According to Catholic Church teaching, God assigns each person a guardian angel at conception.

“From its beginning until death, human life is surrounded by their watchful care and intercession. ‘Beside each believer stands an angel as protector and shepherd leading him to life.'” (CCC 335)

Father Kevin Staley-Joyce of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Boston, Mass., told an amazing story regarding the power and existence of guardian angels.

Father Staley-Joyce said in a social media post that he believes his guardian angel intervened after his phone “involuntarily switched to silent mode.”

He “became restless” during the middle of the night and checked his phone. He noticed the hospital called exactly one minute prior to his waking, allowing him to promptly administer to a dying person.

Here’s the full story below:

But I became restless and something made me decide to stand up and walk around. Drank some water, then went to look at my phone, and noticed I’d just missed a hospital phone call *one minute* earlier. Crisis averted.

“Do not be unbelieving, but believing.”

— ☧ Fr. Kevin ☧ (@KevinSJoyce) February 17, 2020
Click here if you cannot see the post above.

Father Staley-Joyce’s full story reads, “Just had a middle-of-the-night summons to the hospital for a dying person, and it proved a nice illustration of the existence of guardian angels:

“My phone had involuntarily switched to silent mode instead of a loud ringer as planned, so when the hospital rang, I heard nothing.

“But I became restless and something made me decide to stand up and walk around. Drank some water, then went to look at my phone, and noticed I’d just missed a hospital phone call *one minute* earlier. Crisis averted.

“’Do not be unbelieving, but believing.’”

Two priests commented on Father Joyce-Staley’s post, saying they had similar experiences.

Father Dylan Schrader of Westphalia, Mo. said, “This has happened to me as well!”

Father Dower of Longview, Texas said, “If I told people how many times this has happened to me, they would not believe it. I have very busy Guardian Angel(s) – yes plural – as told to me by a visionary who I trusted greatly. Multiples could explain why I’ve made to where I am today [and] why I get ‘nudged’ so often.”

Other users also commented Father Joyce-Staley’s experience:

Vickie Roark said, “Your angel or angels were definitely on the job to wake you in perfect time. This is a true miracle. I would revel in this great moment. The angels are definitely with you. I need to hear or see my angels in action like that. I am in awe. Thank you very much for sharing this.”

Another user commented, “I too have been woken up multiple times when I didn’t set an alarm or accidentally fell asleep and had something important to do. The Lord is with us.”

“Glory be,” Elena Feick wrote. “Thanks be to God for your guardian angel looking out for you, Father.”

Guardian Angel Prayer

Angel of God,
my guardian dear,
To whom God’s love
commits me here,
Ever this day,
be at my side,
To light and guard,
Rule and guide.


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