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Wife of Jordan Peterson to Become Catholic: Tammy Peterson's Journey Through the Power of the Rosary

Tammy Peterson, host of the “Tammy Peterson Podcast” and wife of Canadian psychologist and author Jordan Peterson, announced she entered RCIA.

RCIA, or the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults, is a process the Church uses to educate and aid adults who hope to be Confirmed. 

Peterson was raised in a Protestant family, but when her parents stopped attending Church, she was left without any religious direction. 

Peterson suffered health issues in 2015 with a cancer scare and painful arthritis. As her husband, Jordan, gained massive popularity as a media commentator, she struggled with daily tasks, such as walking up and down the stairs.

Her first biopsy showed renal cell carcinoma, while her second biopsy revealed much more devastating news. 

“ He [the doctor] said, ‘I’m sorry but we did another biopsy and what you have is much more aggressive than what we thought. You have what we think is 10 months to live.’ And my husband and I were quite shocked,” she told The Catholic Register in Canada.

After two surgeries, which successfully removed the tumors, Peterson once again found herself in the hospital. She was unable to eat, lost over 80 lbs, and her hair began to fall out.

The lymphatic leakage seemed incurable. However, her friend Queenie Yu, a Catholic convert, visited when she heard the news of Peterson’s illness.

Yu brought Peterson a rosary blessed by the Holy Father, a pamphlet on how to pray the rosary, and an image of our Lady with the Baby Jesus. 

“Jordan and Tammy were together at the hospital and they both thought the image was beautiful. And when she saw the rosary, she said, ‘Oh it’s a rosary.’ I said, ‘Oh you know what it is.’ She said, ‘Yes, but I don’t know how to use it,’ ” Yu said

Over the next five weeks, while Peterson was in the hospital, they prayed the rosary together every morning and shared their thoughts about faith and family. 

Now years later, Peterson spoke publicly about her faith and health scares. She stated, “Through my illness, I found God and what could possibly be better than knowing your own Creator?’ Peterson recalls praying through her physical pain.

“I’d wake up at night and I’d pray the Lord’s Prayer until I went back to sleep. I didn’t allow myself to worry,” she said. “I pretty much prayed all night unless I was sleeping.”

In the video below, Tammy discusses the rosary with Catholic guest Jonathan Pageau. She even teaches her viewers how to pray it:

Click here if you cannot see the video above.

A Miraculous Healing

Before leaving for a Pennsylvania hospital for more tests, Peterson’s friend Father Eric Nicolai gave her a blessing and novena to Saint Josemaria Escriva, the founder of Opus Dei.

To Peterson’s surprise, the day she was scheduled for another surgery and on day five of the Novena to Saint Josemaria Escriva, her doctors shared exciting news- her medical issue had resolved itself. She no longer needed surgery.

Tammy’s husband, Jordan, commends his wife in her pursuit of truth, stating he is happy about her decision to enter the Church because “she’s trying to aim up.”

“This is an extension [of] what’s happened to her in recent years, of that vow she took when she first decided we were going to get married,” Peterson told The Catholic Register. “It’s a crucial thing to commit to the truth.”

Through her trials and health battles, Tammy Peterson has gained a powerful testimony to her faith in the Lord. She plans to fully enter the Catholic Church on Easter, upon completion of RCIA, and we cannot wait to welcome her home. 

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