“Miracle Hunter” Michael O’Neill undersøker livene til troende menn og kvinner på veien til helligkåring og søker etter mirakler. Støtt EWTN Norge – St Rita Radio på Vipps til 650212 eller til kontonummer 3905.10.86949.
“Miracle Hunter” Michael O’Neill presents the case for Blessed Miriam Teresa Demjanovich, whose brief, impactful life is testament to the universal call to Holiness. From an early age, this child of Ruthenian immigrants longed for the religious life. She entered the Sisters of Charity, impressing everyone with her humility and piety, before tragically succumbing to acute appendicitis. Many favors and cures have been attributed to her intercession, including a boy’s miraculous recovery from blindness, the only known cure of bilateral macular degeneration.
[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oa3aZ0iQ_Rg[/embedyt]