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Vaticano | episode 546


Vaticano er et ukentlig program produsert av EWTN som gir et unikt innblikk i livet i Vatikanet.

This week on Vaticano, we begin by celebrating with Pope Francis Mass for All Soul’s Day. Then we attend a conference in Rome hosted by AVSI reflecting on international development cooperation. This is followed by our weekly Vaticano Updates bringing our audience the latest news from the Vatican. Then EWTN News Correspondent Colm Flynn interviews Fr. Hans Zollner where he shares his findings from his research into the abuse crises in the Church. Our final piece is on Giorgio La Pira, dubbed the “Holy mayor” who was mayor of Florence from 1951 to 1965.


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Trøst, trøst mitt folk

I adventstiden finner vi trøst og håp i profeten Jesajas ord, en tid for forberedelse til Kristi komme. Notre Dame, Paris’ sjel, minner oss om fellesskap og kjærlighet til alle, uansett bakgrunn.

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