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New York Encounter 2023 på EWTN Norge

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I løpet av helgen vil vi høre foredrag og samtaler av blant annet erkebiskop Christophe Pierre apostolisk nuncio for USA, vår egen biskop Erik Varden, kardinal Seán Patrick O’Malley, erkebiskop  Pierbattista Pizzaball, kardinal Timothy Dolan og erkebiskop Gabriele Caccia for å nevne noen. Programmet blir tilgjengelig på vår Youtube kanal og på våre nettsider.

New York Encounter blir organsiert av Communion and Liberation.

Lørdag kl 17:30 – Biskop Erik Varden i samtale med erkebiskop Christophe Pierre – apostolisk nuncio i USA


Les mer på

Communion and Liberation
Communion and Liberation is a proposal for education in the Catholic faith. It is an education that doesn’t end at a certain age because it is always being renewed and deepened. The search for what is true, beautiful, and good, and for happiness is never-ending. This is Christianity: the adventure of life, not a kind of training for life.

According to Fr. Giussani, Christianity is not a doctrine but an encounter carried in the form of an event, that generates an experience and correspondence which humanly would be impossible to imagine.

How CL was born, and why?
A community of young people in a high school in Milan who are still named Gioventù Studentesca (GS) forms around Fr. Giussani in the 1950s. The current name, Communion and Liberation (CL), appears for the first time in 1969, as a way of summarizing the conviction that the Christian event, lived in communion, is the foundation of the true liberation of man.

In the 1970s, the Movement began to spread to many schools, universities and among adults.

Over the course of the 1980s and 1990s, in part in response to John Paul II’s invitation to the Movement to, “go into all the world and bring the truth, the beauty, and the peace which are found in Christ the Redeemer,” many new communities developed from Kazakhstan to the United States, from Uganda to Ireland, and more, beginning with the historic “mission” of the first GS students who left to live in Brazil during the previous decade.

The Fraternity of CL is a Universal Association of the Faithful recognized during the 1980s. It is made up of adults who freely commit themselves to follow Christ and the Church through the method passed down by the founder. The Fraternity in all its smaller groups – spread across the continents – numbers about 60,000 adults committed to following the path to holiness, which is recognized as the goal of their existence and of their friendship. Membership entails a simple rule of life: daily moments of prayer; participation in gatherings for spiritual formation, including the annual Spiritual Exercises and retreats; and a commitment to give support, financial and otherwise, for charitable, missionary and cultural initiatives promoted or supported by the Fraternity.

Educational method
Fr. Giussani believed that the genius of the Movement lies in having felt the urgency to proclaim the need to return to the passion of the Christian fact as such in its original elements, and nothing more. That may be the reason that awoke the unforeseeable possibility of encounter with personalities of different religions spread all over the world.

The founder’s aim was to teach a true method for judging the things he would have said about faith’s relevance to life’s needs. He was deeply convinced that faith would not be able to endure in the modern world, unless it could be found in present experience, and be useful for responding to life. Proving this and demonstrating the reasonableness of faith, implies a precise idea of reason. To say that faith exalts reason means that faith corresponds to the fundamental and original needs of each person’s heart.

Living the Christian experience leads to the awareness that each of us in the world has to answer a “calling”. This vocation becomes clear and recognisable in the circumstances of our existence and the events that take place. The charism of Fr. Giussani gave birth over time to various forms of associations, with the purpose of helping sustain Christian adults in the particular conditions of their personal vocations: as laypeople, religious men or women, or diocesan or missionary priests.

He believed that to educate, you must present an adequate account of both the tradition of the Church and cultural heritage. Without knowing this past, a person has no reference point for comparison. This knowledge has to be conveyed by an authority, meant as a person who lives Christian doctrine with awareness and provides reasons for it.

A fundamental aspect of CL is comparing the proposal with ultimate needs through personal experience. The primary instrument for the “education” of those who adhere to the Movement is School of Community, which consists of reading and personal meditation upon a text, followed by a communal meeting.

This comparison avoids alienation or conformation to the dominant culture. At the same time, it opens up to the risk of choice. This risk is necessary and unavoidable for the growth of maturity and freedom.

Shared life
Communities, whether large or small, are spontaneously formed in the places people live, and they gather for meetings and to share in the moments and gestures of everyday life. No official membership cards or formal registration is necessary. Communities are free from written rules, but they are the means through which everyone is invited to live and understand the convenience of Catholic doctrine.

Everyone is welcome to join in the many proposals. These consist primarily of prayer, participation in the sacraments, reciting the Angelus and the Liturgy of the Hours.

Love for culture and artistic expression has always been a part of the life of CL. Music and singing together have consistently been part of the life of CL, along with literature and visual arts. This same desire for beauty tends to influence the planning of events such as meetings, assemblies, liturgies or catechetical gatherings, as well as less formal occasions, and the community vacations organized as educational opportunities.

Present days
After Fr. Giussani’s death, his charism keeps living in the experience of thousands of people spread all around the world. It keeps changing lives and gives birth to the spontaneous mission of bringing people closer to the Catholic faith. This happens through the life of the members, as simply by working and living, they witness the beauty of catholic life.

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