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March for the Martyrs to Rally for Persecuted Christians with Jim Caviezel as Keynote Speaker in Washington, D.C.

March for the Martyrs, an organization dedicated to supporting persecuted Christians across the world, will hold a rally on Sat., April 27, 2024, in Washington, D.C.

What is March for the Martyrs?

Here’s the organization’s mission statement:

“Martyrs is For the Martyrs is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that seeks to raise awareness about the crisis of Christian persecution, advocate for religious freedom, and provide aid to victims of persecution around the world.”

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The free rally will begin at 3:00 p.m. at the Constitution Gardens on the National Mall.

The rally will “include testimonies from survivors of persecution, praise and worship songs, and prayerful preparation for the March for the Martyrs procession.”

March for the Martyrs 2021 / Photo Courtesy of March of the Martyrs

Speakers will include Jim Caviezel, Ambassador Sam Brownback, March for the Martyrs founder Gia Chacón, Crescent Project founder Pastor Fouad Masri, Executive Director of Armenian National Assembly Washington D.C. Aram Hamparian, founder of TRAFFIK Anthony Trimino, and Executive Director of In Defense of Christians Richard Ghazal

March for the Martyrs will then lead a procession at 4:00 p.m.

“This procession is not just a march, but a bold statement of unity, faith, and support for persecuted Christians worldwide,” the event’s description explains. “It will depart from the National Mall and proceed through the streets of Washington, D.C., and end at the Museum of the Bible.”

March for the Martyrs 2021 Procession/ Photo Courtesy of March of the Martyrs

Following the 4:00 p.m. procession, March for the Martyrs invites participants to the Museum of the Bible for an evening conference beginning at 5:00 p.m.

“The Night of Prayer for the Persecuted is a powerful experience,” the event’s description states. “It will include speakers who are experts on Christian persecution and testimonies from survivors. Participants will come together in prayer for our brothers and sisters who are suffering for their faith.”

The event will focus on three countries of concern: Iran, Nigeria, and Armenia.

The Global Impact of March for the Martyrs

According to March of the Martyrs founder Gia Chacón, the rally, procession, and conference is not just an event, but “a movement of Christians across all ages and denominations coming together as one voice for persecuted Christians around the world.” 

March for the Martyrs 2022 / Photo Courtesy of March for the Martyrs

Chacón travels the world offering support and humanitarian aid for persecuted Christians.

She explained that regardless of the aid, the Christians almost always have one request: “Please continue to pray for us.”

“March for the Martyrs responds to that need through prayer and solidarity. Yet, it is not just us who have something to give by offering a platform to persecuted Christians,” Chacón said.

“Participants of March for the Martyrs walk away feeling deeply impacted by the witness and testimonies from survivors of persecution that speak at the event or the stories from the ground that advocates share; almost always saying they leave feeling emboldened to stand strong and courageous in their faith.” 

Chacón said that through the organization’s advocacy and communication efforts via social media, along with collaborating with the International Religious Freedom space, March for the Martyrs is the “leading voice for persecuted Christians.”

“Our movement through March for the Martyrs has opened the eyes of Christians in the West to the reality of persecution, and gives them a tangible way to make a difference in the lives of persecuted Christians.”

Click here to register for March for the Martyrs 2024 rally.

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