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Financial Troubles? Try this Powerful Prayer to Saint Matthew, Patron of Finances

The Catholic Church celebrates the feast of Saint Matthew, apostle and evangelist, on Sept. 21.

According to EWTN,

“Saint Matthew was one of the Twelve Apostles called by Our Lord. He is most known for his profession as a tax collector and his role as one of the four evangelists. The Church celebrates the feast of this great Saint out of reverence for his role as an Apostle of Christ, his Gospel writings, and his work of evangelization.”

Saint Matthew is known as a patron saint of accountants, bankers, civil servants, and tax collectors.

Prior to becoming a follower of Jesus Christ, Matthew was a tax collector by trade, which gives us reason to believe he was well-versed in financial matters.

Regardless of the cause of your financial distress, the prayers of Saint Matthew can be a huge help!

Prayer for the intercession of Saint Matthew during financial distress:

O Saint Matthew, former tax collector and patron saint of financial matters, I humbly come before you, seeking your intercession as I struggle with my finances. I ask for your guidance in managing my resources wisely, and for the grace to trust in the Lord Jesus Christ’s provision for my needs.

Dear Jesus, please grant me a pure heart that seeks only what is pleasing to You. Help me to follow God’s Word and remain faithful in Your service, even amidst worldly temptations. May Your Holy Spirit fill me with wisdom and discernment as I strive to create peace and stability in my life.

In times of financial uncertainty, let me not lose hope but remember God’s immense grace and the mercy He has shown to even the worst sinners. Through the intercession of Saint Matthew, may I find true peace and contentment in following Jesus and trusting fully in His divine providence.


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