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15 Annoying Things That Need to Stop Happening During Mass

Do you notice distractions that detract from the sacredness of Mass? You are not alone!

In a classic episode of “The Catholic Talk Show,” Ryan DellaCrosse, Father Rich Pagano, and Ryan Scheel share 15 things that need to stop happening during Mass.

They cover a range of practices and attitudes they say have crept into the Mass, often diminishing the reverence and solemnity of the Liturgy.

The guys mainly argue that Mass should inspire silent contemplation and awe, not become a form of religious entertainment.

Scheel shares Pope Benedict XVI’s wisdom:

“Wherever applause breaks out in the Liturgy because of some human achievement, it is a sure sign that the essence of liturgy has totally disappeared and been replaced by a kind of religious entertainment.” 

From the disruption of applause during Mass to the overuse of Eucharistic ministers, the guys touch on practices that shift focus away from the essence of the Eucharist.

Scheel emphasizes the need for reverence in receiving Communion, because “receiving Communion from a layperson definitely diminishes the gravity most people feel towards the Eucharist.”

The guys also highlight the importance of preparation and decorum before coming to Mass.

Scheel recommends quiet reflection, saying, “Before Mass, there really needs to be reflection and preparation… if you’re not preparing for Mass, that’s on you, but distracting others from their preparation is selfish.”

In a time where technology and modern habits intrude upon sacred spaces, the guys remind listeners of the significance of financial contributions and proper etiquette during Mass.

DellaCrosse challenges Catholics to reflect on this commitment, reminding them that “Judas left the Mass early. There’s a sign [at this parish] that says ‘Judas left the Mass early’ on all the doors.”

In this episode, the guys not only identify areas of change but issue a call to reevaluate the Mass experience and return to the true essence of the liturgy all Catholics should heed!

Want some practical advice to make Mass better? Watch the full episode below:

Click here if you cannot see the video above.

15 Things That Need to Stop Happening During Mass, According to “The Catholic Talk Show”

1. Clapping during Mass.

2. Too many extraordinary ministers of the Holy Eucharist.

3. Receiving from the cup when you are sick.

4. Wandering around during the sign of peace or the peace sign during the sign of peace.

5. Excessive socializing before Mass.

6. Not fasting before Mass.

7. Keeping your phone ringer on when you go to Mass.

8. Not donating.

9. Leaving early from Mass.

10. Bad preaching during homilies.

11. Receiving Communion in the state of mortal sin.

12. Dressing improperly.

13. Not ringing the bells during the consecration.

14. Genuflecting towards the altar when the tabernacle is located elsewhere.

15. Holding hands during the “Our Father.”

Would you add anything to this list?

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