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News in the Church | Morning News 27.06.2024

Stay informed with EWTN Norway's Church News for 27.06.2024. Highlights include St. Cyril of Alexandria, Oceania Speaks conference on climate change, Opus Dei founder St. Josemaria Escriva, Pope Francis' solar energy initiative, Biden administration's stance on sex changes for minors, and Pope Francis' appeal for peace in Ukraine.
Catholic News, St. Cyril of Alexandria, Oceania Speaks, Climate Change, Pacific Islands, St. Josemaria Escriva, Opus Dei, Pope Francis, Solar Energy, Vatican, Biden Administration, Healthcare, Sex Changes, Minors, Ukraine, Peace, EWTN Norway, Morning News, Environmental Stewardship, Ethical Debates

News in the Church | Morning News 27.06.2024

By Pål Johannes Nes

This is a summary of the morning news stories in the Church from EWTN Norway. We bring you key updates and insights to keep you informed about important events and developments.

Saint of the Day: St. Cyril of Alexandria

Today, the Church is celebrating St. Cyril of Alexandria. St. Cyril, born in the year 376, became the Patriarch of Alexandria in 412. He is known for his fierce defense of the faith, particularly against the Nestorian heresy, which denied the true union of the divine and human natures in the person of Jesus Christ. St. Cyril was instrumental in the Council of Ephesus in 431, which proclaimed Mary as Theotokos, the Mother of God. His theological works and pastoral care left a significant impact on the Church. He died in 444 and was later declared a Doctor of the Church.

Oceania Speaks Conference in Rome Highlights Pacific Islands’ Climate Peril

A significant conference titled “Oceania Speaks” recently took place in Rome, focusing on the climate challenges faced by the Pacific Islands. Additionally, the conference brought together leaders from the region to discuss the urgent need for action. They aim to combat climate change and protect vulnerable island communities. The event highlighted the voices of those most affected by rising sea levels and extreme weather events. They called for global solidarity and support. For the full story, visit Catholic News Agency.

Opus Dei Founder St. Josemaria Escriva: You Can Be a Saint Doing Your Ordinary Job

In a recent feature, EWTN Norway highlighted the teachings of St. Josemaria Escriva, the founder of Opus Dei. St. Josemaria emphasized that ordinary work can be a path to holiness. He encouraged the faithful to seek sanctity in their daily tasks. Therefore, his message resonates with many who strive to integrate their faith into their everyday lives. It demonstrates that sainthood is attainable for everyone, regardless of their profession. For the full story, visit EWTN Norway.

Pope Francis Unveils Plan for Vatican to Go Solar

In a groundbreaking announcement, Pope Francis unveiled a plan for the Vatican to transition to solar energy. This initiative is part of the Pope’s broader commitment to environmental stewardship and sustainability. It aligns with the teachings of his encyclical “Laudato Si’.” Consequently, the move to solar power is expected to significantly reduce the Vatican’s carbon footprint. It will also serve as a model for other institutions around the world. For the full story, visit EWTN Norway.

Biden Administration Pressured Healthcare Association to Back Sex Changes for Minors

A recent report has revealed that the Biden administration pressured a major healthcare association to support sex changes for minors. This controversial move has sparked intense debate over the ethical and medical implications of such procedures for young people. Critics argue that the administration’s actions could undermine parental rights and the best interests of children. For the full story, visit Catholic News Agency.

Pope Greets Ukrainian Wives and Mothers After Audience, Appeals for Peace

After a recent audience, Pope Francis met with Ukrainian wives and mothers. He expressed his deep solidarity and compassion for their plight. Additionally, the Pope reiterated his appeal for peace in Ukraine, emphasizing the need for dialogue and reconciliation amid the ongoing conflict. His heartfelt words aimed to offer comfort and hope to those affected by the war. For more details, visit Vatican News.

Stay tuned for more updates and insights from the Church as we continue to share important news and stories from around the world.

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