19.juli på EWTN Norge | 15. uke i det alminnelige kirkeår, onsdag
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Allmektige Gud, du lar din sannhets lys skinne for de villfarne, så de kan vende tilbake til den rette vei. Gi alle som bekjenner den kristne tro, kraft til å gjøre det som er denne tro verdig, og sky det som står den imot. Ved vår Herre …
Dagens evangelium Matt 11,25–27
På den tid tok Jesus til orde og utbrøt: «Jeg priser deg, Far, himmelens og jordens herre, fordi du har skjult disse ting for de kloke og forstandige, mens du åpenbarte dem for de små. Ja, Far, slik behaget det deg.» «Alle ting har min Far lagt i min hånd; og ingen andre enn Faderen kjenner Sønnen; heller ikke kjenner noen Faderen unntagen Sønnen, og den Sønnen velger å åpenbare ham for.»
(www.bibelen.no og www.katolsk.no)
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Nyheter fra CNA Europa
Archbishop Gänswein’s post-Vatican future beginning to take shape
Vatican diplomat: Pope Francis ‘stubbornly believes in peace’
Bishops condemn European Union’s drafting of ‘right to abortion’
21-year-old terminally ill Spanish Carmelite dies on eve of feast of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel
Sendeskjema EWTN Norge 19.juli
04:00 Saints vs. Scoundrels St. Francis of Assisi vs. Machiavelli, Pt. 2
04:30 New! From the Heart, with Mother Angelica Encouragement and Choices
05:00 New! EWTN Bookmark Twisted Unto Destruction: How ‘Bible Alone’ Theology Made the World a Worse Place
05:30 Bob and Penny Lord Present The Many Faces of Mary: Our Lady of Guadalupe
06:00 The Holy Land Rosary Glorious Mysteries
06:30 Chaplet of St. Michael
07:00 The Promise- We Said I Do Forever Dave and Amy Olson- A Life of Faith
07:30 Be Your Best! Be Your Best
08:00 The Military Orders and the Crusades Defending the Kingdom of Jerusalem
08:30 New! EWTN News Nightly
09:00 Gospel Glimpses Gospel Forgiveness
09:15 White Dove of Peace White Dove of Peace Ep: 00003
10:15 The Angelus from the Grotto of the Annunciation in Nazareth
10:30 I Forgive. Hosted by Immaculée Ilibagiza Mardy and Audrey Jones
11:00 Life on the Rock Corrinne May
11:30 The Doctors of the Church Saint Ambrose of Milan
12:00 Journey Home 04/09/18 Oscar Herrera
13:00 Angelus with Mother Angelica and the Nuns of Our Lady of Angels Monastery
13:05 Reflections with Fr. Leo Clifford Mercy of God
13:15 The Litany of Saint Joseph
13:30 The Holy Rosary with Mother Angelica Glorious Mysteries
14:00 Daily Mass
15:00 New! Holy Rosary and Devotions with The Franciscan Missionaries of The Eternal Word
15:30 Signs of Life The Catechism and the Calendar
16:00 Chaplet of Divine Mercy
16:20 New! Live Adoration from EWTN Chapel
17:30 New! Women of Grace Evangelization & Spirituality for Such a Time as This, Pt. 3
18:00 EWTN News in Depth Violence. Opposition. Calls for Peace, International Aid and Religious Freedom in Two Countries on Opposite Sides of the Planet
19:00 Daily Mass
20:00 New! I Forgive. Hosted by Immaculée Ilibagiza Jennifer Hubbard, Pt. 1
20:30 Children’s Rosary Children’s Rosary: Glorious
21:00 Mother Angelica Live Classics Abraham
22:00 EWTN News Nightly
22:30 Suffering Church North Korea
23:00 For God so Loved the World The Book of Glory
23:30 How to Pray for Your Sons & Daughters & Loved Ones Don’t Waste Your Suffering
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