Devotion to Our Lady of Sorrows focuses on the Virgin Mary’s many sufferings throughout her life, particularly during the Passion and crucifixion of her Son, Jesus Christ.
It is rooted in both scripture and tradition, aiming to deepen our understanding of her role in salvation history.
The Church celebrates the feast of Our Lady of Sorrows on Sept. 15th!
Meditating on her sufferings can help the faithful embrace the Mother of God as a model of redemptive suffering, and as a source of comfort in our spiritual lives.
This devotion is powerful –and needed– especially in our culture today.
If you ever feel alone in your suffering or sadness, look to Our Lady of Sorrows!
Here are six saint quotes on Mary’s role as Our Lady of Sorrows:
Caroline Perkins, ChurchPOP“Turn your eyes incessantly to the Blessed Virgin; she, who is the Mother of Sorrows and also the Mother of Consolation, can understand you completely and help you. Looking to her, praying to her, you will obtain that your tedium will become serenity, your anguish change into hope, and your grief into love.” – Saint John Paul IICaroline Perkins, ChurchPOP“Let us bind ourselves tightly to the Sorrowful Heart of our Heavenly Mother and reflect on its boundless grief and how precious is our soul.” -Saint Padre PioCaroline Perkins, ChurchPOP“Mary’s sorrow was less when she saw her only Son crucified, than it is now at the sight of man offending Him by sin.” -Saint Ignatius of LoyolaCaroline Perkins, ChurchPOP“The Martyrdom of Mary was not caused by the executioner’s sword, but proceeded from bitter sorrow of heart.” -Saint Bernard of ClairvauxCaroline Perkins, ChurchPOP”The Virgin may suitably be called a blooming rose. Just as the gentle rose is placed among thorns, so this gentle Virgin was surrounded by sorrow.” -Saint BrigidCaroline Perkins, ChurchPOP“‘Standing by the cross of Jesus was his mother’ (Jn. 19:25). The Virgin, with her mother’s grief, participated in a quite particular way in the Passion of Jesus, cooperating deeply with the salvation of mankind. Like Mary, each of us can and must unite with the suffering Jesus in order to become, with his own pain, an active part in the redemption of the world which He effected in the Paschal Mystery.” – Saint John Paul II