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News in the Church: Morning News July 16, 2024

Credit: Photo by WOJTEK RADWANSKI/AFP via Getty Images

News in the Church: Morning News July 16, 2024

By Pål Johannes Nes

Welcome to News from the Church, your source for Catholic news and updates from around the world. The news is edited by Pål Johannes Nes, and you’re listening to EWTN Norway. This is the Morning News for July 16, 2024. Let’s begin with the Saint of the Day.

Saint of the Day: Our Lady of Mount Carmel

Today, we celebrate the Feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, honoring the Blessed Virgin Mary under this title. The Carmelites, who have a special devotion to her, celebrate this day with great reverence. Our Lady of Mount Carmel is known for her promise to St. Simon Stock, giving the Brown Scapular as a sign of her protection and intercession. This feast day encourages the faithful to seek Mary’s guidance and embrace her call to live a life of prayer and holiness.
Read more: Our Lady of Mount Carmel

News Stories:

Pope Francis Authors Preface to Book on Women and Ministries in the Synodal Church

Pope Francis has authored the preface to a new book focusing on women and their roles in ministries within the Synodal Church. In his writing, the Pope emphasizes the importance of recognizing and valuing the contributions of women in the Church. He calls for greater inclusivity and active participation of women in various ministries, reflecting the Synodal Church’s mission of communion, participation, and mission.
Read more: Pope Francis on Women and Ministries

First Women Hired for St. Peter Basilica’s Sanpietrini Maintenance Crew

In a historic move, the Vatican has hired the first women for the Sanpietrini maintenance crew at St. Peter’s Basilica. This team is responsible for the upkeep and restoration of the basilica, and the inclusion of women marks a significant step towards gender equality within Vatican employment. The decision has been widely praised as a progressive step in integrating women into roles traditionally held by men.
Read more: First Women Hired for Sanpietrini Crew

Polish Lawmakers Narrowly Defeat Effort to Decriminalize Abortion Assistance

Polish lawmakers have narrowly defeated an effort to decriminalize abortion assistance. The proposed legislation aimed to reduce the penalties for those who assist women in obtaining abortions. The defeat of the bill reflects the strong pro-life stance prevalent in Poland, where abortion laws remain among the strictest in Europe. Pro-life advocates have welcomed the decision, while pro-choice supporters continue to push for reforms.
Read more: Polish Abortion Assistance Bill Defeated

Donald Trump Announces Vice Presidential Pick

Former President Donald Trump has announced his Vice Presidential pick for the upcoming election. He has selected Ohio Senator . J.D. Vance as his running mate. Vance , known for his strong conservative stance and alignment with Trump’s policies, is expected to play a crucial role in the campaign strategy. The announcement has garnered significant attention and speculation regarding its impact on Trump’s campaign.
Read more: Trump Announces Vice Presidential Pick

Catholic Leaders React to Attempted Assassination of Former President Donald Trump

Catholic leaders from the US and around the world have reacted to the attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump. At the Cathedral of the Holy Cross in Boston, Massachusetts, a priest during Sunday’s Mass read a statement from Archbishop Sean Patrick O’Malley, calling for the nation to pray for Trump and those killed and injured in the shooting. Archbishop Wilton Cardinal Gregory of Washington DC issued a statement asking “everyone of good will to keep former President Trump and all those killed and injured in last evening’s violence in our prayers,” adding “let our nation be a land of peace.”

Euro 2024: Bishops Highlight the Faith of the Coach of Spain’s Victorious Soccer Team

Following Spain’s victory in the Euro 2024, bishops have highlighted the faith of the team’s head coach, Luis Enrique. They commended his openness about his faith and how it has influenced his leadership and coaching style. Enrique’s faith has been an inspiration to many, demonstrating the positive impact of religious beliefs in achieving success and fostering team unity.
Read more: Euro 2024 and Luis Enrique’s Faith

Luis de la Fuente, Spanish national soccer coach. | Credit: Royal Spanish Football Federation

Pope Francis Appoints Youngest Bishop in India, the World’s Most Populous Country

Pope Francis has appointed Father John Pereira as the youngest bishop in India, reflecting the Pope’s ongoing commitment to engaging younger clergy in significant ecclesiastical roles. This appointment is seen as a move to address the dynamic needs of the Church in India, the world’s most populous country. The new bishop’s youthful energy and vision are expected to bring fresh perspectives to his diocese. Father Pereira’s appointment is celebrated as a sign of hope and renewal within the Indian Catholic community.
Read more: Youngest Bishop in India

Catholic Bishop in Nigeria to Government: Pay Attention to Youths’ Multifaceted, Profound Challenges

Bishop Emmanuel Badejo of the Diocese of Oyo in Nigeria has called on the government to pay more attention to the multifaceted and profound challenges faced by the youth. He emphasized the importance of addressing issues such as unemployment, education, and social inequality. The bishop’s appeal underscores the critical need for comprehensive policies that support and empower young people in Nigeria.
Read more: Nigerian Youth Challenges

Benedictine Abbey in Eibingen Open for Co-Use by Other Institutions

The Benedictine Abbey in Eibingen has announced that it is open for co-use by other institutions. This initiative aims to foster collaboration and optimize the use of the abbey’s facilities. The abbey, known for its historical and spiritual significance, will now host various activities and programs, enhancing its role as a center of community and spiritual life.
Read more: Benedictine Abbey in Eibingen

Petra Klawikowski / Wikimedia Commons (CC BY-SA 3.0)

Cardinal Hollerich on the Future of the Church

Cardinal Jean-Claude Hollerich has stated that he cannot envision the Church going back to the past. He emphasized the importance of embracing change and looking forward to a future that addresses contemporary issues while remaining true to the core values of the faith. His remarks reflect a forward-thinking approach to Church leadership and governance.
Read more: Cardinal Hollerich on Church’s Future

Sea Sunday Celebrations

In many parts of the world, the second Sunday in July is referred to as Sea Sunday. Many Christian communities come together to celebrate and pray for those who work at sea, doing dangerous but very vital work. Stella Maris is a Catholic international agency that provides pastoral care to seafarers and their families. Founded in 1920 by a group of laypeople in Glasgow, Scotland, Stella Maris has been serving the needs of seafarers for over a century. While these jobs impact so many people’s everyday lives, it is a little-talked-about sector. EWTN Vatican Journalist Paola Arriaza has more on the importance of this day and the work of Stella Maris.

That brings us to the end of today’s episode. Thank you for joining us on News from the Church. Remember to tune in this evening for the Evening News, where we’ll bring you more updates and stories from the global Catholic community. God bless you all, and may your faith continue to inspire and guide you. This is EWTN Norway, wishing you a peaceful and blessed day.


Credit: Photo by WOJTEK RADWANSKI/AFP via Getty Images

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