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News in the Church | Evening News July 9, 2024

Bishops process into St. Peter's Basilica for the closing Mass of the first assembly of the Synod on Synodality on Oct. 29, 2023. | Credit: Vatican Media

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Bishops process into St. Peter’s Basilica for the closing Mass of the first assembly of the Synod on Synodality on Oct. 29, 2023. | Credit: Vatican Media

News in the Church | Evening News July 9, 2024

By Pål Johannes Nes

Welcome to “News from the Church,” your source for Catholic news and updates from around the world. This is the Evening News for July 9, 2024. Let’s begin.

News Stories

New Instrumentum Laboris for Synod on Synodality Released

The Vatican has released the new Instrumentum Laboris for the Synod on Synodality. This comprehensive document outlines key goals and themes for the upcoming synod, emphasizing the importance of listening, dialogue, and discernment within the Church. The Instrumentum Laboris encourages a participatory approach to Church governance, seeking to involve a broader range of voices, including laypeople, in the decision-making process. It aims to foster a more inclusive and collaborative Church, addressing contemporary issues with a spirit of openness and humility.
Read more: New Instrumentum Laboris for Synod on Synodality

Synodality in the Diocese of Trier

In Germany, the Diocese of Trier has established a new synodal assembly to replace the diocesan pastoral council. This move is part of a broader effort to promote greater synodality within the Church, encouraging more active participation and collaborative decision-making among the faithful. The new assembly aims to involve a diverse group of members in the governance of the diocese, enhancing the spiritual and pastoral life of the community. This initiative reflects the Church’s commitment to embracing synodal principles at all levels of its structure.
Read more: Synodality in the Diocese of Trier

Berthold Werner / Wikimedia Commons (CC BY-SA 3.0)
Archbishop Gossl on Strengthening the Spiritual Dimension of Synodality

Archbishop Gossl has called for a stronger emphasis on the spiritual dimension of synodality. He highlighted the need for deepening prayer, reflection, and spiritual discernment within the synodal process. Archbishop Gossl believes that a robust spiritual foundation is essential for meaningful dialogue and effective decision-making in the Church.
Read more: Archbishop Gossl on Synodality

Nairobi Archdiocesan Education Day

During the Nairobi Archdiocesan Education Day, a Catholic bishop emphasized the role of teachers, parents, and guardians as co-evangelizers. The bishop highlighted the importance of collaborative efforts in providing holistic education that nurtures both academic excellence and spiritual growth. This event underscored the Church’s commitment to education and evangelization through community involvement.
Read more: Nairobi Archdiocesan Education Day

Pope Francis’ Message to Latin Youth Gathering in Alexandria

Pope Francis sent a message to the Latin youth gathering in Alexandria, encouraging them to live out their faith with joy and commitment. The event, which brought together young Catholics from various regions, focused on strengthening faith and community among the youth. The Pope’s message highlighted the importance of youth in the Church’s mission and their role in building a vibrant and faithful community.
Read more: Latin Youth Gathering in Alexandria

Credit: Aci Mena
FDA Abortion Deregulation and Coercion Concerns

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s recent abortion deregulation has raised significant concerns about increased coercion. Critics argue that loosening regulations may lead to more pressure on women to undergo abortions without adequate support or informed consent. This deregulation includes allowing abortion pills to be dispensed without the usual safeguards, such as in-person consultations. Opponents fear this could result in vulnerable women being coerced into abortions by partners or others, without proper medical oversight or the opportunity to explore alternatives.
Read more: FDA Abortion Deregulation Concerns

Ukrainian Greek Archbishop Condemns Attack on Children’s Hospital

Ukrainian Greek Archbishop Sviatoslav Shevchuk has condemned a horrifying attack on a children’s hospital. The Archbishop called for international solidarity and prayers for the victims, highlighting the devastating impact of violence on innocent lives. This attack underscores the ongoing conflict in the region and the urgent need for peace and protection of civilians. Archbishop Shevchuk emphasized the moral responsibility of the international community to support those affected and to work towards a resolution to the conflict.
Read more: Ukrainian Greek Archbishop Condemns Attack

GOP Softens Pro-Marriage Language in 2024 Platform

The GOP (Republican Party) has softened its pro-marriage language in the 2024 platform, reflecting a shift towards more inclusive rhetoric. This change aims to broaden the party’s appeal and address evolving societal attitudes towards marriage and family. The new language has sparked discussions within the party and among its supporters about the balance between traditional values and inclusivity.
Read more: GOP 2024 Platform Changes

Credit: vectorfusionart/Shutterstock

That brings us to the end of today’s episode. Thank you for joining us on “News from the Church.” Remember to tune in tomorrow for the Morning News, where we’ll bring you more updates and stories from the global Catholic community. God bless you all, and may your faith continue to inspire and guide you. This is EWTN Norway, wishing you a peaceful and blessed evening.


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